State Farm
About : Home of Grant, Suzy, Bev & Karina. Proud to represent the State Farm brand in the heart of Omaha.
606 S 72nd St, Omaha, NE 68114-4612
Phone: 402-932-0100
Fax: 402-939-0989
Distance: 31.1 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
It is always extremely tough to see a sudden, unexpected loss. It is particularly tough when it is a community asset & superconnector who has lifted so many up for so long.
Many thoughts and prayers with the Schenzel family, Hrubes family and all others impacted.
Oh... My... Goodness. These 4 minutes will brighten your day & make you ask yourself if it really is possible to have this much fun at work? (Hint - yes).
#PropsAureus #WeToo\u2764\ufe0fJT #GreatOmahaNeighbor
Thanks for raising the bar for what's possible in the workplace.
We\u2019ve all got some sort of idea of how our dream home might look. Some of us have just got to have a pool while others want clever modern design, sustainability, or integration with natural elements.