Statistics & Research about Oshkosh,NE - Insurance Store

Here are some statistics & research about Oshkosh,NE an area served by Insurance Store

310 Main St.

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Store

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lodgepole 71,100 642 10.8
Garden County 62,100 506 9.8
Chappell 65,200 339 6.2
Deuel County 67,300 514 9.2
Oshkosh No. 1 65,000 535 9.9
Brule 89,600 567 7.6
Lisco 85,000 435 6.1
Lonergan 78900 NA NA
Belmar 131900 NA NA
Swan 47,500 507 12.8

Number of whites in places near by Insurance Store

Place name Number of whites
Lodgepole 664
Garden County 1960
Chappell 893
Deuel County 1936
Oshkosh No. 1 561
Brule 938
Lisco 191
Lonergan 348
Belmar 203
Swan 551
Lewellen 174
Lemoyne 25
Blue Creek 521
Sunol 67
Broadwater 361

Number of vacant houses in places near by Insurance Store

Place name Number of vacant houses
Lodgepole 29
Garden County 475
Chappell 104
Deuel County 199
Oshkosh No. 1 60
Brule 204
Lisco 20
Lonergan 870
Belmar 453
Swan 76
Lewellen 122
Lemoyne 104
Blue Creek 227
Broadwater 50

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Store

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Lodgepole 321400
Garden County 185900
Chappell 187500
Deuel County 193800
Oshkosh No. 1 70000
Brule 169600
Lisco 39600
Swan 162500
Blue Creek 318800
Broadwater 152100

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Insurance Store

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Lodgepole 14
Garden County 79
Chappell 67
Deuel County 96
Oshkosh No. 1 26
Brule 28
Lisco 6
Swan 3
Lewellen 6
Blue Creek 36
Broadwater 10