About : Insurance Agent
Description : Nielsen Insurance Inc. now has two locations to better serve our clients! We are located in Neilgh, Nebraska and now in Valentine, Nebraska!
Neligh 402.887.5402
Valentine 402.376.1865.
409 MAIN ST, NELIGH, NE 68756
Phone: 402-887-5402
Fax: 402-887-5403
Distance: 44.8 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Did you know that we also have an office in Valentine? Give Patty or Jason a call for all your insurance needs in the Valentine area!.
Constant moisture across the state this week..... some is better than none, our scenery will start to green up soon!.
It is a bright and sunny day here in Neligh today! Looks like a great day for golf ;) Grab your clubs and stop by Nielsen Insurance for a complementary golf towel!.