Statistics & Research about Omaha,NE - Chastain Otis, Inc.

Here are some statistics & research about Omaha,NE an area served by Chastain Otis, Inc.

9394 W DODGE RD STE 150
Phone : 402-397-2500

Real estate research for area nearby Chastain Otis, Inc.

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Clear Creek 184,900 705 4.6
Platte Valley 140,400 828 7.1
LaPlatte I 199,800 813 4.9
Bentley 191300 NA NA
Missouri Valley 89,700 529 7.1
Louisville 135,800 682 6.0
Mineola 87000 NA NA
Mead 103800 NA NA
Inglewood 90,700 548 7.3
Colon 75000 NA NA

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Chastain Otis, Inc.

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Clear Creek 2
Platte Valley 158
LaPlatte I 122
Bentley 13
Missouri Valley 194
Louisville 78
Mead 8
Inglewood 26
Douglas County 33122
St. John 194
Blair 312

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Chastain Otis, Inc.

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Clear Creek 55
Platte Valley 210
LaPlatte I 330
Missouri Valley 134
Louisville 161
Mead 35
Inglewood 8
Colon 9
Douglas County 37602
St. John 184
Blair 567

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Chastain Otis, Inc.

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Clear Creek 203
Platte Valley 568
LaPlatte I 420
Bentley 17
Missouri Valley 353
Louisville 289
Mineola 59
Mead 95
Inglewood 55
Colon 19
Douglas County 82265
Wann 12
St. John 571
Blair 1425

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Chastain Otis, Inc.

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Clear Creek 179700
Platte Valley 319700
LaPlatte I 209000
Missouri Valley 316700
Louisville 264300
Mead 178100
Inglewood 225000
Colon 9999
Douglas County 207500
St. John 284600
Blair 191500