Statistics & Research about Kearney,NE - Barney Ins-Lexington Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Kearney,NE an area served by Barney Ins-Lexington Inc

5205 2ND AVE
Phone : 308-237-2222

Car dealers nearby Barney Ins-Lexington Inc

Hall Motor Company

Hall Motor Company, 1220 2nd Ave, Kearney, NE 68847, Ph: 308-236-9699
Phone: 308-236-9699

Real estate research for area nearby Barney Ins-Lexington Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wood River 104,200 653 7.5
Blaine 139,300 715 6.2
Wilcox 71,000 591 10.0
Rusco 229200 NA NA
Elm Creek 112,500 615 6.6
Sumner 63,800 656 12.3
Armada 58,900 513 10.5
Divide 159,400 713 5.4
Sharon 134,200 679 6.1

Number of whites in places near by Barney Ins-Lexington Inc

Place name Number of whites
Poole 12
Wood River 1333
Blaine 785
Wilcox 415
Rusco 193
Elm Creek 1335
Sumner 220
Armada 242
Divide 336
Sharon 234
Phelps County 8995
Hayes 1206
Cottonwood 301
Newark 81
Juniata 1025

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Barney Ins-Lexington Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Wood River 150000
Blaine 347100
Wilcox 85000
Rusco 277100
Elm Creek 160000
Sumner 70000
Armada 400000
Divide 162500
Phelps County 146700
Hayes 177900
Juniata 97400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Barney Ins-Lexington Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Poole 6
Wood River 226
Blaine 235
Wilcox 49
Rusco 48
Elm Creek 206
Sumner 42
Armada 51
Divide 68
Sharon 25
Phelps County 1531
Hayes 249
Cottonwood 58
Newark 53
Juniata 198

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Barney Ins-Lexington Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Wood River 175000
Blaine 49700
Rusco 278600
Elm Creek 140300
Divide 196900
Sharon 165600
Phelps County 213300
Cottonwood 412500
Juniata 36800